Development of Daugavgriva
Daugavgriva, Riga, Latvia, year 2009

Daugavgriva is situated near Riga city center and is surrounded from three sides with natural values – national park, river Daugava and river Bullupe. At the moment area is functioning as “sleeping district” of Riga, is lacking of identity and potential of area’s site is not being used sufficiently.
The main idea of project is to make main street of Daugavgriva - Parades street as conjunctive element that joins area instead of separating it in two parts. Parades street is seen as linear structure centre of area where main public life is concentrated. On the opposite sides of the street different public activities are organized (cafe-restaurant, football-basketball etc.) in this way supporting people’s movement around whole area of Daugavgriva (magnet principle). Various public activities are placed in urban “pockets” around Parades street according to their necessity for sun light (market-morning sun, restaurant-evening sun, etc.). Principle of placing higher buildings near Parades street and lower buildings near the river and the sea enables view to the waterfront from various locations of the area. New and old buildings around Parades street are organized in a way to create a noise buffer zone towards the surrounding area. Structure of roads create mutually comfortable vehicle and pedestrian movement.

Authors: Didzis Jaunzems and Laura Laudere